How to Get an Athlete Scholarship | Recruiting Made Simple. 

For all the athletes and parents out there that have the goal of getting that elusive athleteic scholarship, here is your guide to success. 

My guest today is Coach David Hill who has been responsible for 100’s of athletic scholarships over the last couple of years. In just 30 minutes you have have takeaways on how to get recruited and most importantly the do’s and don’ts to being a recruitable athlete. Between Coach Hill and myself we have successfully assisted over 1,000 athletes in getting to the next level. It’s not by chance, it’s by plan and strategy that most athletes get offers. 

It’s not 1985 when recruiting was simple “If you’re good they will find you!” Not anymore. Today is all about exposure and we are going to give you the secrets to getting that exposure. 

For more info E-mail and make sure to follow Coach D. Hill on Twitter @dhill39 and on IG @dhill3939 

If you haven’t already make sure to subscribe to this podcast so you can stay up to date with everything that will give you the Winner’s Mindset! 

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