Why Entrepreneurs Need to Build a Team!

For years I’ve heard successful entrepreneurs talk about building a team. It always sounded good, but in reality, most business owners/entrepreneurs tend to stay solo-preneurs for way to long.

It can be money, but most of the time that is not the issue. In most cases, entrepreneurs get good at doing everything for themselves. Especially in those early years when capital is low and hiring someone seems impossible.

Hopefully, today’s talk starts to change your perspective!

We always have to be aware of the difference between busy and productive.
For myself, I have spent way to much time being busy. Being exhausted at the end of the day, but not accomplishing anything that really moved the needle. That wasn’t every day, but it was to many days.

So building a team is a great way to maximize productivity and keep your business moving in the right direction.

Mike Waters, Phase 1 Sports

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